Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Present Executive structure

Chair-Elisha Yoon

Secretary/Sargent at Arms-Hannah Oh

Treasurer-Namhee Kim

Cyworld-Shin Park
Facebook-Hannah Oh
Blog (website)-Yoonjung Kang

Finance and Sponsorship committee
Sponsorship coordinator-Elisha Yoon, Jihae Whang
Fundraising coordinator-TBD

Event Committee
Event coordinators-Brian Chung, Younghoon Park, Sunny Kim
Stage manager-Sally Song

PR Committee
-contacting newspapers, news channels etc to get media coverage
writing invitation/announcement/articles tailored to specific audience
English-Kenley Law, Jane Lee
Korean-Jungbin Yoon, Ella Choi

HR Committee
Social coordinator-Danbee Lee
Volunteer coordinator-Jihae Whang

Media Committee-Justin Whang

Graphics Designer-Kenley Law

Community Engagement Committee
KU liason-Ella Choi
KCM liason-JihaeWhan
SFU liason-Yoonjung Kang
Light of Love church liason-Yoori Chung

Member at Large-Yoori Chung

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